August 2019
Aug 14th
Out and about early again this morning and there is still
not a lot
about although
for those
planning on
coming to Mull
I did see an
otter today
and I wasn't
even trying.
My sighting of
the day was by
campsite where
a flock of at
least 70
Ringed Plover
flew in to
feast as the
tide went out,
they were
joined by a
few Dunlin.
The Autumn
flowers are
out in
abundance now
with Grass Of
Parnasus seen
as well as the
Bell Heather
and Ling. On
my way home I
was able to
photograph the
Goosanders on
Loch Cuin,
they would be
some of the
same ones we
saw when out
walking with
Lucy on Moday.
A day
of showers, heavy
showers, like the
saying goes it never
rains but it pours. It
was a bit like that in
the mail today the
accountant sent back
our accounts, it
included his bill and
then we have tax to
pay, like I said it
never rains it pours.
On a lighter note the
Woodpeckers are back
in the garden check
out the photo.
Aug 12th
morning I went out
early in lovely
weather, light breeze,
sunshine, 4
degrees centigrade,
I was wearing
thermols for
goodness sake, talk
about climate
change. Being
out and about on Mull
in such calm
conditions was
wonderfull and the
views even more so,
with Coll and Tiree
looking resplendent
from Calgary Bay, I
felt I could reach out
and touch them. On the
birding front the
highlight of the
morning had to be the
flock of approximately
20 Twite seen at
Cailaich Point,
Kittiwakes, and
Gannets here as well.
There are lots of
Meadow Pipits
everywhere and Pam and
I saw at least 12
Goosander on Loch Cuin
and also 3 Greenshank.
Red Deer and of course
Rabbits were the
Mammals seen but
really it was just
being back on Mull
that was the real
highlight of my
morning. This
afternoon once again
the weather has
intervened, I was
supposed to be mowing
lawns but it is
pouring down, the suns
still shining though.
31st August
Mowed lawns as I had no tour and weekend
weather not
This Good
Morning Good
Morning, I was
feeding the
birds With a
little help
from my
friends, Jack
and Tom but
not For the
benefit of Mr
Kite as we
don't have Red
Kites on Mull
very often.
The house and
are getting a
bit of a
makeover with
our friend and
neighbour Nick
Fixing a Hole,
painting all
the windows,
which is all a
Day in the
life for Nick
and Getting
Better for us.
In November
Pam is going
to a wedding
in America
with our son
you could say
She's leaving
home, leaving
me to look
after our dog
Lucy (in the
sky with
diamonds) so I
will not be
one of SGT
Peppers lonely
hearts club
band. This
blog post is
mainly for
Blake and
Sheila but I
hope it makes
you all smile
a little bit.
30th August
Another tour and I am
unashamedley starting with the
best of the rest as we had 3 Red
Throated Divers today on Loch Na
Keal which made my day even if
my guests appeared a little
underwhelmed. We had to show a
lot of patience today as we had
to wait for an Otter we were
watching at a distance to fill
up with fish, eventually however
it climbe out onto an island and
gave us a great view, my guests
were very excited with that
sighting. White-tailed Sea
Eagles were excellent again
today and we saw 4 really good
Golden Eagles. Changing my route
a tad today brought us good luck
with a very good Hen Harrier
sighting and a couple of
Kestrels and a nice herd of Red
Deer including some good stags.
29th August
A tour today with
great guests, they were great at
spotting, great at chatting to
me and all had a great sence of
humour which helps me enormously
. Mulls special species also
performed well for me today, we
had a fabulous sighting of a
female Hen Harrier but sadly for
one of my guests not a male, ah
well you can't win them all.
White-tailed Sea Eagles were
seen in good numbers but the one
that flew over our heads was
very special. We saw a lot of
Golden Eagles today although the
one that was being mobbed by
Crows and landed reasonably
close for a Golden Eagle was
probably the highlight of the
day. Loads of Red Deer were seen
today including several stags
and a very good if brief Otter
was also seen which pleased my
lovely guests no end. Thanks to
everyone on todays tour I had a
really great day with you all.
28th August
No tour and not a lot to report
but I did manage to walk Lucy
across the road and got some
photos of Dunlin which dropped
into feed as we were there and
the tide was receeding.
27th August
A full tour today and
we had a good day with 2 Otters
seen well, both types of Seal
and Red Deer includig a stag. On
the bird front we saw 4
White-tailed Sea Eagles both
sitting and flying, it is when
they are flying that you
appreciate how enormous these
birds are. 2 Golden Eagles were
seen a little distant but very
good views, Kestrels and
Buzzards as usual and a brief
Hen Harrier which most of my
guests saw. Wader of the day was
a Bar-tailed Godwit and my
guests also enjoyed seeing Black
Guilliemots and Cormorants and
Shags sitting together giving
good size comparrison and the
obvious different forehead
shape. Finally our guests are
amazed by how many Grey Herons
they see on Mull and I explain
that we have at least 12
Heronries of various sizes.
No tour today but an
awful lot of rain, we worked
indoors and enjoyed the birds in
the garden.
25th August
Saturday so no tour
but we took Lucy across the road
to the side of Loch Cuin and saw
5 Black Tailed Godwits still in
partial breeding plumage, 40
Redshank, a count of 9
Greenshank, 7 Goosander, 6
Curlews, 55 Greylag Geese, 5
Herons, a pair of Mallard, and 2
Herring Gulls and a single Great
Blacked Gull. Earlier one of our
self-catering guests had also
seen good numbers of Ringed
Plovers and a few Dunlin here as
well. On our way back to the
house Pam spotted the Buzzard
sitting on the telegraph post
which I just had to stop and get
a photo of as they usually fly
away when I show them my camera.
With the 16 to 17 species seen
regularly in our garden it does
not matter if it rains at
Ardrioch there is plenty to see
within a ten minute walk.
A tour in very showery
conditions and the showers were
very heavy when they came and
were very blustery in stong
winds. We saw some very good
birds of prey between the
showers including several
White-tailed Sea Eagles with the
one in the photo below aruably
the best of them. Very good Hen
Harrier and 2 Peregrine Falcans
were seen as were 2 Kestrels and
a Sparrowhawk although the
Golden Eagle we saw was so brief
only myself and one guest
actually saw it. Red Deer
including a stag and Fallow Deer
were seen, the Fallow Deer
crossed the road right in front
of the mini-bus. The Hedgehog in
the photo we rescued as it was
crossing the road, so we took it
up a forest path and just hope
it found a much safer route for
its travells.
23rd August
No tour today so I
went with Lucy across the road
to the Loch and saw 4 Black
Tailed Godwits in a field with a
large group of Greylag Geese,
more migration. At the coast
there were lots of Ring Plover
and 4 Greenshank, a single
Dunlin, Curlews and Goosander.
Guests in our self-catering who
came down as I was leaving saw
an Otter fishing an hour after I
had left. My mate and neighbour,
Nick has been painting our
wooden widows blue to match in
with the new windows we had put
in Inch Hame in the Winter. As
usual he is making a first class
job and the house will look
really good when he has
finished, although at the moment
he is dodging the showers so
can't get in a full day very
often on what is a very fiddly
22nd August
A tour today and at
our first stop there was a Bar
Tailed Godwit at Aros, so Autumn
migration has started which will
make birding more interesting
for the rest of the year after
the Summer moult. We had several
sightings of White-tailed Sea
Eagles today and 3 Golden Eagles
at lunchtime. An Otter in the
morning which was number one on
my guests wish list so I was a
very happy chappie when we found
one. Red Deer mums and calves
proved a big hit with my guests
and so did the Seal seen in a
few locations. We are seeing a
lot of Grey Herons all over the
place at the moment as fledged
birds join their parents around
the coast, my guests are amazed
at how many Herons we have on
Mull. The views were spectacular
today and we were able to see
the Outer Hebridies from one of
my favorite viewpoints.
21st August
No tour today but I did manage
to get out birding for myself
and saw a few nice
birds including 2 Wigeon the
first back for the winter
or maybe they were just passing
through. A Dipper was seen at a
regular haunt and there were
lots of Swallows and a few House
Martins feeding up before their
long migration to Africa begins.
A lot of Arctic and Common Terns
also feeding up although a
couple were having a rest along
with some Shags, Cormorants and
a single Kittiwake. Without
really looking for them I saw
both types of Seal , a single
Fallow Deer and 4 White-tailed
Sea Eagles. A total of 35 bird
species and 3 mammals were seen
and I was only out for about
three hours.
No tour today but as
it was a beautiful day I mowed
the lawns which meant I had no
time to go out birding as I also
had to go to Tobermory to fill
up the car, get some more bird
seed and fetch a new gas for the
midge machine as it had run out.
No rest for the wicked as the
saying goes although I did
manage a few looks at the birds
in the garden, the highlights
being Lesser Redpoll, Siskins
and Great Spotted Woodpecker, at
least now Lucy chases the
Rabbits off the lawn, so there
is one animal she is not scared
!9th August
A tour today and I can
honestly say it could not have
been better with lovely guests
and would you believe it 3, yes,
Three Otters at three seperate
sites, where have they been
hiding. We saw 2 Golden Eagles,
4 White-tailed Sea Eagles, Red
Deer including stags and a Hen
Harrier, we also saw Buzzards
and Kestrels. other wildlife
were waders which included
Oystercatchers, Curlews,
Redshank, Greenshanks, Ring
Plovers and Dunlin. Other
notable birds were Goosander,
Black Guilliemot, Kittiwakes,
Shags, Cormorants, Gannet,
Siskin and a beautiful male
Linnet, I nearly forgot the
Wheatears of which we saw quite
a few mainly in one location. As
usual I forgot about my camera
for most of the tour as I prefer
to watch the wildlife and look
out for more as my guests watch
the Otters and other wildlife we
find but I did remember I had it
with me when I found my first
Grass of Parnassus of the year
it wasn't until I looked at the
picture on the computer that I
saw the small insect on the
!8th August
Changeover day in the
self-catering and I was relieved
that the lawns did not need
mowing and so I took Lucy across
the road and down to the Cuin
lochside and enjoyed an hour of
peacefull birding. There were
over 50 Greylag Geese grazing
the new grass from recently mown
fields much to the farmers
chagrin. Down at the Lochside a
mother and 4 well grown
Goosander chicks flew past to
land on the Loch for a leisurly
swim. There were the usual
Redshanks, Greenshanks, Curlews
and Grey Herons but what I was
most taken with today were a
mixed flock of Ring Plovers and
Dunlin which had obviously just
arrived judging by the way busy
way they were feeding. I enjoyed
watching their antics and with
lovely Lucy by my side I just
relaxed in the atmosphere that
only Mull can bring to me.
!7th August
As forecast the
weather today was pretty awful,
wet and windy, a bit of a change
from what we experienced in the
South and not the best for
wildlife watching but apart from
2 no shows we had a full bus.
The day started quite well with
Redhanks, Greenshanks, Curlews
and Oystercatchers seen at
Dervaig, we also saw Goosander
and the first of many Grey
Herons here as well. Ravens were
seen but little else untill we
got to the shoreline once again
where we saw Red Breasted
Mergansers, Mute Swans,
Cormorants and Swallows as well
as Common Seals. The rain kept
falling and the wind got up so
hot coffee and tea were most
welcome. Apart from a very nice
Ringed Plover and all Mulls Gull
species not a lot was seen until
Sam spotted a White-tailed Sea
Eagle fly in and land on a tree
which lifted everyones dampened
(litterally) spirits somewhat.
Red Deer, Shags, Black
Guilliemots and a Great Northern
Diver were seen but the rain
kept falling and it was hard
keeping eveyones spirits up
although with a little
persuasion our guests devoured
all the hot Carrot soup and
sandwiches. The rain stopped at
10 past 4 in the afternoon and
in 10 minutes we saw 2 Kestrels,
2 more White-tailed Sea Eagles
and 2 Hen Harriers, the trevails
of the day were forgotten in
this bird fest and my guests
went home tired wet and very
happy, me I was tired, wet and
very relieved.
Arrived home at 2-30pm
after a family and friends visit
of 3 weeks, thanks once again to
Pete and Jenny for looking after
everything including Lucy, also
for ensuring our self-caterers
were well looked after, we are
really indebted to you.
Everything was perfect when we
got home which was just as well
as we have our first tour on our
return tomorrow and the weather
is not looking to promising.
9th August
Photos from our
holiday to Spitzbergan, Our ship
Ortelius took us north into the
Ice Flows just 600 miles south
of the North Pole. The view was
incredible with ice as far as
the eye could see. This is home
to Bruinics Guillemots, Ivory
and Glaucous Gulls who feed on
Polar Cod from the icy seas.
Yes, thats Pam so rugged up you
can not tell who it is.
5th August
Long-tails Ducks and a
Juvinile King Eider were seen
from a Zodiac ride and Glacias
seen from the ship.
4th August
Arthur & I
enjoying our holiday in the
Artic and all our trips out in
the Zodiacs, we saw Rock
Pharmigan and Artic Skua.
2nd August
At 79 degrees north
Ny-Alesund is the worlds most
northern settlement originally a
mining comunity today it is a
centre for International Artic
Scientific research and
environmental monitoting. Here
we saw our first Glacia and an
old Mining Train. We know it as
the Grey Pharolope as we would
normally see it in winter
plumage but in the Artic this
bird is know as the Red
Pharolope. The female on the
left is the more colourful as
the male sits on the eggs and
rears the young whilst she goes
off to find another male to mate
with. (I think this is a good
idea - Pam) We also saw our
first Reindeer, Ivory Gull,
Purple Sandpiper and nesting
Artic Turn.
1st August
Fulmar in fabulous
Artic sky. We saw Blue Whales on
our first evening on our ship
and Polar Bear with cubs the
next morning, they were walking
amongst the nesting Barnacle
Geese and Eider Ducks and
foraging the eggs from their
Aug 31st 2017
wader day with
8 different
Waders seen
being the most
followed by
Ringed Plovers
and Curlews.
after sifting
through the
Ringed Plovers
we saw a few
Turnstones and
a couple of
Dunlin. In
total we saw 5
redshank and 3
Bar Tailed
Godwits but
Wader of the
day was a
Little Stint
which Pam and
I took some
time to figure
out, of course
I had not
taken the
camera out
with us so no
point in
reporting it.
There was also
a Carrion Crow
present at the
main Wader
spot not a
bird always
present on
Mull and
seldom seen.
As we were
checking out
the Waders a
Eagle flew
over our
heads, we saw
4 in total
today and we
were not even
looking for
them. I went
to the doctor
today to get
an appointment
to see a
specialist to
look at my
will leave
readers to
look that one
up, suffice to
say it is not
contagious so
won't affect
the tours but
probably means
I have Viking
Aug 30th
lovely tour
today with
great guests
and although
the wildlife
difficult to
find we
eventually saw
all of the
Mull main
species really
well. The day
began with a
Greenshank at
our first
stop, Gannets,
Snipe and a
flying family
at the next.
Red Deer were
seen as we
left Cailaich
Point and
Linnets and
were present
along the road
back towards
Calgary. The
weather took a
turn for the
worse as it
raining but we
still managed
Curlews and
Ringed Plover
as we
continued the
tour. The rain
stopped after
lunch and we
managed to see
a Bar-tailed
Godwit and
Guilliemot but
it was later
in the day
that the major
action took
place, a
Golden Eagle
appeared and
attacked a
Buzzard, the
Eagle was then
itself mobbed
by a brave
Kestrel. At
long last we
saw a
Sea Eagle and
then like
buses another
giving us
great closeish
views. We
watched both
types of Seal
before 2
Otters joined
us, could the
day get better
I thought, yes
it could a
female Hen
Harrier to end
a terrific
tour. Thanks
to Sal and
Andy for their
thanks to
Mulls wildlife
for the
It's great to
be back.
Aug 29th
Are Back Home
after a lovely
visit to see
all our family
including a
and a
lovely day
even if the
weather was
windy and cool
showers. Today
we had good
sightings of
everything as
we had a
couple of
really good
spotters on
the tour. The
tour started
Sea Eagles but
after only a
couple of
guests had
seen them
through the
scope it
poured down.
We then went
and looked for
Herons, Common
and Herring
Gulls and some
Goosander. As
we were
watching some
Red Deer stags
on a high hill
this juvenile
Sea Eagle flew
right over our
heads, so
close it
caused a
eclipse, even
I managed a
decent photo
with my box
brownie. More
White tails
shortly after
this sighting
and the first
of 2 Hen
Harriers flew
past. With all
this action
going on we
went to our
lunch spot
right after a
very late
coffee break
and we were
just in time
to see a
close Golden
Eagle hunting
over a ridge,
but then
carrying a
Rabbit. As we
were watching
the Eagle I
turned round
and saw an
Otter on a
nearby island,
it gave us
great views
before going
into very
choppy water
to fish, later
it came out to
eat a Crab and
was joined by
another Otter,
what a day. As
the weather
we decided to
call it a day
but not before
a celebratory
cup of tea and
cake, oh and 2
Sea Eagles. My
thanks to my
guests and the
Wildlife on
Mull for
giving me an
Aug 30th
A tour today where we saw all
Mulls Specialities but in some
cases it was really hard work,
mainly because the Golden
Eagles were not coming out to
play. We started the day with
some nice Waders, Bar-tailed
Godwits and Greenshank being
the pick of them and then we
saw our first Otter, it was a
good find and as we did not
see another one all day, a
very good find. We watched the
Otter for ages and then went
to look for and eventually
find White-tailed sea Eagles,
3 of them and they gave us a
wonderful display of flying
and no boats in the area. Then
it started to get harder, it
was a lovely warm day and
nothing was flying although we
did see the occasional Buzzard
and a long distant persistant
Kestrel and lots of Ravens. As
the afternoon drew on we saw
Red Deer hinds, stags and
calves and a very good Kestrel
and a Hen Harrier flew in
front of the bus and
dissappeared but no Golden
Eagle although we tried really
hard. On our way back home I
stopped at a place where I
can, but not often, see a
Golden Eagle and almost at
once one appeared and just as
quickle dissappeared. After 10
minutes it re-appeared and you
guessed it dissappeared again.
It eventually gave up and put
on a distant show before
landing on the hillside,
result, job done.
 
Aug 29th
Back on
tour again today and the star
was undoubtedly the Otter, not
the first one we saw which was
good but the second one which
was excellent, it came out of
the water on to land and put
on a performance worthy of an
Ottscar, the Otter equivalent
to the oscars. White-tailed
Eagles were seen well in some
numbers and a couple of
distant Golden Eagles. A
Goosander with eyes bigger
then its throat provided early
morning entertainment as it
tried to eat a large flatfish
whilst being harried by a
Great Black backed Gull and a
Heron. The protaganists
certainly did not get the fish
but nobody saw the Goosander
eat it either, the concensus
was like all big catches the
fish got away. It will however
make for good quack at
Goosander dinner parties.
Aug 28th
A lovely
day just great for a tour but
no takers, tour numbers down
this summer after a promising
spring, with lower ferry
prices there are more day
trippers and less longer
stays. The good weather and no
tour meant I had to do
yesterdays gardening and help
Pam with a clearout in the
sheds, oh joy. We had friends
around to help us eat the
fantastic Mackeral that my
mate Nick Evans kindly dropped
off for us and mighty tasty
they were to, well done to Pam
the chef.
Aug 27th
tour as we clean holiday lets
and this week I valeted the
bus and car and tried to do
some gardening but it rained.
Aug 26th
No tour
today and lunch in the
Bellachroy which was very
nice, although a large lunch
and two pints of really nice
beer do not make for a very
productive afternoon. So
tomorrow I am going to have to
do two days chores in one. We
have a very noisy young
Buzzard flying round the
garden at the moment and the
Great Spotted Woodpeckers
family are in and out all day
and with the Jay putting in an
appearance now and again
garden watching is very
Aug 25th
very nice day and the Eagles
were again out to give us a
day to remember but today the
White-tailed Sea Eagles joined
the party, The Golden Eagles
were not quite up to
yesterdays five star
performance but were pretty
close and the White-tails
matced them. Red Throated
Divers again made my day but
my guests wanted the big stuff
and although we found 2 Otters
neither stuck around for long
although all my guests got to
see at least one of them. Red
Deer and Seals proved a hit on
another tour in which Mulls
specialities put on a show.
Aug 24th
A beautiful
day and it turned into a
festival of Golden Eagles, 6
were seen in total two in the
morning flying, one sitting on
a hill at lunch time and when
it flew it was mobbed by a
Kestrel as a Hen Harrier
watched on and then at tea
time Mum, Dad, and Juvenile
gave us a flying display which
I can only describe as
awesome. We saw 2 very good
Otters today and Red Deer
stags and only 1 but quite
close White-tailed Sea Eagle.
On any usual day I would have
put the very good Red Throated
Divers as birds of the day but
today the Golden Eagles were
just special. Before we
reached the Eagle territory I
took a photo of a Buzzard in
flight they are a bird that
hardly get a mention but they
are still nice to see.
Aug 23rd
A dull day
but the promised rain stayed
off for most of the day and it
was fairly calm and we saw
lots of Mulls famed species in
the company of Mulls least
favorite famed species,
Midges. An Otter was found in
the morning and we watched it
for quite some time as it
travelled along eventually
coming out onto the rocks to
mark his territory
, another Otter was seen later
this time fishing for it's
lunch. 4 White-tail Sea Eagles
were seen as well as Golden
Eagles and Hen Harrier. Red
Deer were every where today
with plenty of stags seen at
the tops of the hills. I don't
know why Arthur was making
such a fuss, he was only going
to the hygienist.
Aug 22nd
No tour
today but still up early and
took this lovely photo at 6am.
Out with the strimmer, I now
need a baler to pick up the
grass as I think the lawn
mower might choke. I saw our
Jay today and a Buzzard and
the Sparrowhawk came into the
garden, my little garden birds
are getting somewhat
traumatised with all these
raptors and now 2 White-tailed
Sea Eagles have just flown
over. If You think my garden
birds have problems, I have a
dentist appointment tomorrow,
oh joy, and Pam is doing the
Aug 21st
A dull
driech day with low cloud and
drizzle, not great if you wear
glasses and use binoculars,
but fantastic if you are an
unemployed spontex optics
cloth. We started off with
head and shoulders, no not the
hair cleaner but a
White-tailed Sea Eagle trying
to keep out of the rain, we
just managed to see it through
the mist. We then went on and
saw a pair of antlers on a
hill just above the skyline,
we couldn't really tell if
there was a Red Deer attached
to them but presumed there had
to be one. On we went and had
a better sighting of two
Kestrels and a Buzzard and
then two more White-tailed Sea
Eagles in another tree and as
it had stopped raining for a
short time we got a good view.
2 otters were seen briefly but
they only hung around about as
long as Usain Bolt in the
hundred metres and more
White-tails both sitting and
flying. Another Otter was seen
and this one stayed around
about as long as Mo Farrah in
the 10,000 metres, result. A
great sighting of 4 Kestrels
hounding a Buzzard was
probably my sighting of the
day although we did see more
White-tailed Sea Eagles but as
the cloud was still low no
Golden Eagle. As we were
returning home the sun
appeared from its hiding place
and so I decided to go where
we might see a Golden Eagle
and after waiting it out one
put in appearance and gave us
a bit of a show, I was happy,
my guests were happy, we all
felt dozy and so we went home.

Aug 20th
A day of
chores, water supply, tick,
Strimming, tick, wash van,
tick, watch Manchester City
play and beat Stoke City ay
football, one of those sports
mentioned in yesterdays blog,
tick, Go out for a lovely meal
with friends tick. What was
Pam doing, swimming in the sea
with friends and a Red
Throated Diver 10 yards away.
Am I jealous? no as she had
cleaned two self-catering
cottages before she went.
Aug 19th
A wet day
and no tour, we stayed in and
watched some olympics seeing
Nick Skelton win gold at 58
tears old, yeh one for the
golden oldies there. Well done
to all our olympians for
bringing a smile to our faces
in uncertain times, now let us
get behind the para olympians
who have been dealt a blow due
to money shortage which is a
real shame as there is so much
money floating about in some
other sports these days.
Aug 18th
A beautiful
day but for us Mulls main
species were hard work today
and although we saw very good
White-tailed Sea Eagles, Red
Deer, a distant Golden Eagle
and Seal we did not manage to
see an Otter. On a brighter
note we did see a lot of
Wading birds, Golden Plover,
Ringed Plover , Bar-tailed
Godwits, Curlews,
Oystercatchers, Redshank and
Greenshank. We had a good
sighting of a Great Northern
Diver and 2 Red Throated
Divers and a spectacular
diving Gannet and less
spectacular but still worth
seeing diving Common Terns.
Aug 17th
We took our
family back to the ferry and
then on returning home
re-charged our batteries,
Grandchildren are delightful
but what enegy, it was like
Duracell bunnies against cheap
battery bunnies and you can
guess which we were, and at
our time of life we are not
re-chargeable. Bird of the day
was Hen Harrier with two
juveniles which we saw hunting
as we made our way home from
the ferry, they briefly
revived us till we got home
and had a reviving cup of tea
and a snoozeeeeeee?
Aug 16th
A very
sunny hot day not my favorite
wildlife watching conditions
but we did have some good
sightings with Whimbrel and
Red Throated Divers being my
birds of the day. My guests
were desperate to see Otter
and they were easily downcast
if one did not appear within
minutes of us arriving at a
spot where they might be seen.
After lunch we found an Otter
which my guests watched for
about an hour, they were
delighted and I was relieved
as I had felt somewhat
pressured all morning. Both
types of Eagle were seen as
were Red Deer and Seals and a
lovely Whinchat, but it was
the Otter most of my guests
wanted and fortunately we
obliged for them.
Aug 15th
We spent a
day with the grandchildren and
went for a 3 mile walk seeing
a close up view of a
White-tailed Sea Eagle chick
and one of its parents, we did
not need binoculars for this
sighting. We went to the Olde
Byre for me to have a game of
Table Tennis with my daughter
but the bronze medal match
showed no sign of ending so
the Gold medal match between
the two of us has been put off
for the time being. I am glad
to say the weather for the
second part of their stay is
really good although keeping
up with three young girls is
getting harder for my ageing
bones. Ouch, Ow, ouch, ok I'm
coming as fast as my legs can
carry me.
Aug 14th
A dull day
with little wind and no
sunshine or rain, a perfect
day for wildlife watching. We
saw 4 Otters, &
White-tailed Sea Eagles,
Golden Eagles, 2 Hen Harriers,
Red deer stags, hinds and
calves, Fallow Deer does and
fawns and even Porpoise not
often seen on Discover Mull
tours. Other birds of note
seen were Bar-tailed Godwits,
Gannets, Black Guilliemots and
Black Throated Divers. Pam
went out on a boat with the
grandchildren and saw 12 Storm
Petrels so in spite of our
great day I was a little
jealous as I rarely get to see
this beautiful little sea
Aug 13th
A day with
Becky and the grand children
and we went to Cailiach and I
saw my first Arctic Skua of
the year, Gannets, Fulmar,
Kittiwakes, Shags,
Buzzards and we had a great
sighting of a Merlin. We went
to Glengorm for lunch and a
walk which was lovely and
Grandpa had a great time
trying to lose his grand
children after they had run
him ragged, this is what they
do with their energy, I
remember having energy back in
the day. On our way home we
stopped to look for a Golden
Eagle and found one with a
White-tailed Sea Eagle and
Ravens in close proximity.
Becky our daughter has now
seen, Otter, White-tailed
Eagle, Hen Harrier, Buzzard,
Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Merlin,
Golden Eagle, Red Deer and
both types of Seal and she has
done it in 3 days in awful
weather without trying, Mull
is that special, today they
are going out whale watching
and I will update you on their
success or failure. By the way
it hardly rained at all today
and we could be in for a dry
spell for at least a couple of
If possible
the rain was even worse today
and one couple booked on the
tour did not turn up, so they
stayed dry but missed Common
Seals, Red Deer, flying
White-tailed Sea Eagle and 2
Otters with 41 bird species
seen and 4 mammals. Yes the
conditions were not perfect
but the wildlife was still out
there just harder to find but
you can imagine the pleasure
when we saw some very good
wildlife and the waterfalls,
particularly Eas Force were
spectacular. Just thought of
another song ..... Tell it to
the rain by the Four Seasons,
yes I am old enough to
remember them???
Aug 11th
To get out
of the wet we took the
grandchildren to the baths,
yes we took them into the
water to get them out of the
water, there is some reasoning
in there somewhere. After
lunch we went on a reminissing
tour with our daughter and saw
an Otter and some Red Deer but
what she most remembered of
her holidays on Mull was that
it was raining then as well.
On the subject of rain here
are a few songs to get Blake
and May going on the subject
of rain. It might as well rain
until September, Its Raining
in my heart, Raindrops keep
falling on my head, Singing in
the rain and Here comes the
rain again. More anyone?
Aug 10th
The Monsoon
season has arrived, typically
the day the family come for a
visit, we are due rain for
three days which is a shame
for them and my guests on
todays tour. We spent a lot of
time looking for waders and
saw Greenshank, Curlew
Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover,
Bar-tailed Godwit, Redshank
and my first Common Sandpiper
for some time. We saw 4 Fallow
Deer two mums and two fawns,
Red deer, a family of
White-tailed Sea Eagles two of
which were on the beach,
looking somewhat depressed and
finally an Otter so in the end
my guests did get a wildlife
experience and the waterfalls
are filling fast.
Aug 9th
It is that
time of the year when in
wildlife terms we call it very
quiet, It is the time when a
lot of our breeding migrants
have left and before our
winter migrants return but
that means we spend more time
looking for the Mull
specialities. Todays tally was
2 Otters, a very good Golden
Eagle, White-tailed Sea Eagle,
2 Hen Harriers , Red Der stags
hinds and calves and of course
seals and it did not rain till
the end of the day. Lovely
very chatty guests who got on
so well with each other so I
hardly got a word in edgeways
which as regular guests will
know that is unusual for me.
Our super Grandchildren from
the deep south are arriving
tomorrow so it could be bedlam
after tomorrows tour.
Aug 8th
The gales of
yesterday had abated to just
strong winds and we had a
full bus of friends and
family on a private hire. It
was a lovely day out as they
had differing requests, some
wanted wildflowers, some
birds and some mammals but
with an overall interest in
anything we saw. For our
wildflower people we found
our first Grass of Parnasis
of the year, for the mammal
folks, 2 Otters, Grey and
Common Seals, Red Deer stags
and lets not forget the
Rabbits. Birds seen were
many with Golden Eagles
being the highlight although
White-tailed Sea Eagles and
Hen Harrier were seen well.
We also saw a Peregrine
Falcon, Buzzards and
Kestrels and lots of waders
and even Black Headed
Gull and Wood Pigeon put in
guest appearances. All in
all a good day was had by
Aug 7th
Today was
difficult, out on a tour in
gale force winds with more
white horses than wildlife and
heavy rain in the afternoon.
We saw lots of Goosander today
in three places sheltering in
hidden bays, I wish we could
have joined them. Curlews and
a Greenshank were seen and
some of us saw Fallow Deer
very briefly. Inspiration hit
me and we found a pair of
White-tailed Sea Eagles
sheltering in a tree out of
the wind, result, I now felt a
little better for my guests.
Red Deer were seen as were
some Seals and one brave Seal
even clambered onto an Island,
the fool!!!. Then just after
lunch taken before the rain
became intollerable a Female
Hen Harrier got up and gave us
a great show before it to
thought better of it and flew
off. As it disappeared I
spotted an Otter in the water,
I still don't know how but off
we went down the road to get a
closer look and after
searching for some time we
found it on a seaweed island
eating fish and it gave us
half an hour of Otter magic
before it too succumbed to the
conditions and went home. We
took the hint and did the
same, thanks to Mulls wildlife
today you went above and
beyond to give our guests a
good day and in so doing saved
my bacon, probably shoudn't
have written that, most of our
guests today were vegetarians.
Aug 6th
and change over day so no tour
and I had a lazy day, much to
Pams disgust as I had promised
to do some work in the garden,
but regular readers know how I
feel about gardening. There
were birds in the garden but I
was to lazy to even look to
see what was out there
although I had fed them before
the laziness kicked in.
Aug 5th
A great
Norther Diver at the start of
the tour boded well but the
wildlife was playing hard to
get and it was well past
coffee break before we found
White-tailed Sea Eagles and
they came as a package with 3
all together, mum and dad
standing by as youngster was
getting food from a sheep
carcase as Ravens looked on.
It was lunchtime by the time
we saw Golden Eagles but they
put on quite a show probably
because they could see the
rain coming in, Buzzards and
Kestrels were also seen well
at the same spot. We saw Red
Deer and both types of Seal
but no Otter which was
somewhat disappointing. The
rain was continuing so we had
afternoon tea in the warmth of
our kitchen and as we left the
rain stopped. Stopping off on
our way into Tobermory to have
a last look for Otter and low
and behold we found one and
from the look on my guests
faces it made their day. My
day was made at lunchtime as
my guests were watching the
Golden Eagles I saw a
beautiful male Linnet.
Aug 4th
Todays gems
were all Mulls main species
and all seen very well. To
begin with we saw some Red
Deer stags which took some
finding as they were so well
camouflaged against the
hillside, we were to see hinds
and calves later in the day.
Driving further down the road
my Eagle eyed guests spotted a
juvenile White-tailed Sea
Eagle flying with 2 Buzzards
and we were able to watch it
for some time till it
disappeared over the wood, a
total of 4 White-tailed Sea
Eagles were seen during the
day. Next after searching for
some time we found an Otter
just before lunchtime and it
behaved in a way that I had
never witnessed before, the
tide was way out and the Otter
hunted through the surf right
by the beach almost like beach
combing. We must have watched
facinated by this behaviour
for nearly half an hour, I
know as I was getting very
hungry when we eventually ate
lunch. After lunch we saw a
distant Golden Eagle and some
Kestrels but as the afternoon
wore on we found two more
Goldies and one was this years
chick flying like a veteran.
To finish the day we went in
search of a Hen Harrier more
in hope than expectation and
we had a brilliant sighting of
a very close female, it was
the closest I have seen this
year, what a way to end a real
gem of a day.
Aug 3rd
Another day
with family going swimming as
Nia loves it. I, of course,
was looking for wildlife,
Golden Eagle carrying prey was
probably the best wildlife we
saw today after the rain had
stopped but 2 Hen Harriers sky
diving was a close 2nd and an
Otter fishing was 3rd, not
every young child gets to see
wildlife like this I hope it
sticks in the memory, although
I doubt it, but it will remain
in mine. Richie and Nia leave
early in the morning so back
to work, if you can call
wildlife watching back to
work, I wonder what gems
tomorrow will bring.
Aug 2nd
A day spent
with my lovely and, for now,
youngest Grand Daughter, Nia
who is up visiting with her
dad. We went to the Old Byre
and had a nice cup of coffee
and Nia played in the outside
play area which is excellent
for kids of all ages and I
whipped Richard our son at
Table Tennis, the old man
still has the moves,Occasionally.
This evening we went
looking for the Marsh Harrier
seen earlier in the day, we
did not see the bird but felt
an awful lot of Midges. Pics
of Nia helping grandpa when he
was feeding the birds in the

is the web site of Pam
& Arthur Brown,
Ardrioch Farm,
Dervaig, Isle of Mull.
PA75 6QR